2022 A.D.E. SINCE TIME BEGAN Caveat : Forward Thinking Statement : ICG LTD & ASSOCIATES IN BUSINESS SINCE 1960 : Informed Consent Doctrine : Caveat IN TRUTH WE TRUST 2022 A.D.E.
Videos : Former Hudsons Bay Company Store To Be Given To Manitoba First Nations Organization : Videos
The site will be transformed to include almost 300 affordable housing units, a museum, an art gallery and restaurants. There are also plans for a health centre that will embrace both western and traditional medical practices. A major hurdle for any new development is the fact that the building dates back almost a century, has been granted heritage status and needs major renovations. The store opened in 1926 as the Hudson’s Bay Co. was evolving beyond its fur-trading roots to become a retail giant. It was one of the company’s “original six” flagship stores and its annual Christmas displays in windows along Portage Ave. drew crowds for decades.
SCO : Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahgohn, or "it is visible." - Addendum Facts : SCO
Images Below Are Clickable Information Links
- Southern Manitoba Chiefs Organization - Website
- Opportunity To Develop Subterranean Infrastructure Of BIO-TRIGEN HYDROPONICS & SEED STORAGE
- WINNIPEG WATER RESOURCES - Government Info - POLLUTION PROBLEMS : Winnipeg City Water Quality Report
- LAKE WINNIPEG - Backgrounder : POLLUTION : Global Assessment Of Risk
- "With a watershed that spans nearly 1 million square kilometers, and drains 90 % of the prairie agricultural land in Canada, Lake Winnipeg is considered to be the eutrophic large lake in the world. Eutrophication refers to the over-abundance of nutrients in a water body, causing algal blooms that can be toxic. For Lake Winnipeg that nutrient is phosphorus, and summer measurements of chlorophyll a, an indicator of the amount of algae, have been the highest of the world’s large lakes."
Southern Chiefs plan $130M redevelopment of The Bay as symbol of reconciliation
2022 A.D.E. SINCE TIME BEGAN Caveat : Forward Thinking Statement : ICG LTD & ASSOCIATES IN BUSINESS SINCE 1960 : Informed Consent Doctrine : Caveat IN TRUTH WE TRUST 2022 A.D.E.